Change is constantly happening in life & people who fight to keep things the same will be endlessly fighting to keep that.
I am learning to flow with it all & to be more bendy when life wants you to make some changes. I just need to decide if I should play drums & sing later with this chest cold I have. I entirely want to sing this week, but when my lungs are burning & I am coughing a lot I don’t know if I should do it. I will toil some more in my little weather conditions controlled office & decide if my lungs are in shape to sing some later with my Heating, Ventilation & A/C tech buddy. Maybe singing would be a fine way to ease the mind, which could also help me get over this infection faster. This local business where my pal and I sing pays us money too, & money is just what this heating worker could use right now. I am staying calm this week & just flowing along with the day, something that is great when times get a little bit hectic. I feel cleaning my washable HEPA filter & getting the indoor air quality up to snuff in this flat is a fine way for me to keep my mind focused, because sneezing all day from dust dust irritations is not a fine way to stay focused. My hybrid Heating, Ventilation & A/C system is keeping this locale cool as I do my toil & knowing that I have a clean a/c filter gives me peace of mind to stay calm for the day.