During the tune-up, they found that the heat exchanger was cracked
It’s not consistently simple to troubleshoot the issues with the furnace, but sometimes I have to contact a local furnace repair supplier to help. There is one particular heating plus a/c supplier that I use for all of my needs. The guys perform a tune-up on the furnace that includes a lot of different tasks. When I have a concern or issue with my furnace, sometimes a tune-up will resolve the issue. The last time I had an issue, the guy told me that I should call someone to have the tune-up performed before I have an issue. I thought that was wonderful advice, but I am cheap and I like to save my money. When there was a concern with the furnace last month, I tried to figure out how to service the issue on my own. I knew that the furnace was experiencing a lot of wear and tear, but it’s usually reliable plus efficient and I did not know that it was going to break down. I tried a lot of strange jobs that usually help the gas furnace work better. When none of those things seemed to help, I called the furnace repair service. They came to the home the next day and performed one of the furnace tune-up services. During the tune-up, they found that the heat exchanger was cracked. There was no way for me to service that problem, so it was a good thing that I decided to contact the professional repairman. I found out that I needed to replace the gas furnace, although I did get a wonderful deal on a brand new system that is even more energy efficient than the last one.