Time for some ductwork cleaning this week

I have to write eight more stories this week plus then I am all caught up.

I also have to patch things up with my flatmate because she wanted to have her modern bestie stay the night despite the fact that I had to tell her no.

I told her when she moved in that my apartment owner didn’t want any more people living here other than me because of some previous concerns I had with occupants. So her staying here is sketchy enough without adding a bestie in the picture. I hope she gets over it plus is cooling down a bit because things were heating up with her last night in our messages my associate and I were sending back plus forth. I just can’t risk getting evicted from here plus need to keep things entirely straight-forward in this flat… My Heating plus Air Conditioning expert task keeps me busy most of the time plus I could entirely do more heating unit work plus live here alone, however the extra $730 a month from a flatmate is a nice supplement! I know it all works out in the end plus there is no use getting all riled up over the small stuff that always comes at us. At least my mini split a/c component in my flat keeps us comfy when the temps are heating up like they have been lately. Anyway, this week is a work day for me with my buddy as my associate and I meet up later to tackle a task for the bossman. My friend and I will be cleaning ductwork for this commercial Heating plus Air Conditioning system plus it should be such a fun time!

zone controlled hvac