I was so ready to head back inside the zone controlled Heating as well as Air Conditioning of our work offices.
Being sent to my cabin to work from the central air conditioner at our cabin was not working well for me at all.
I have heard colleagues suggest that they would love to continue working at their cabins in their own air conditioner. But it was just too difficult to find any kind of structure or rhythm when I was working from home. And our office was closed for more than a year while I was in the height of the COVID19 pandemic. So I had plenty of time to get accustomed to working in the cabin from our own air conditioner. That said, I actually do suppose that the supplier did the proper thing to protect us. And I am proud of the response of our colleagues as my superb friends and I all rallied around the supplier as well as figured out how to get our work done from home. But I was still not comfortable meeting online as well as talking to people through technology rather than face to face. But I also just actually missed working inside the offices. 1 day I got to thinking about that as well as wondered just what some of the things that made working from the office so much better. And zone controlled Heating as well as Air Conditioning was 1 of the big things. So it dawned on me to add zone controlled Heating as well as Air Conditioning into our home. I was content to find out from the Heating as well as Air Conditioning professionals that they could actually tweak our existing methods so my superb friend and I could enjoy four separate heating as well as cooling zones. And that’s what my superb friend and I use now, along with the smart temperature control which makes all the residential Heating as well as Air Conditioning decisions for us these days.