When the heating & a/c professional arrived, he told me that our a/c unit was working well, which was wonderful to hear.
What is the deal here? I have been running our a/c for at least 2 hours, & the un-even temperatures have only gone down by a single degree. One degree is completely ridiculous. Why is our Heating & Air Conditioning component not working all of the sudden? This was incredibly aggravating; Especially considering that it seemed like this happened overnight. I knew there was no way I could get through summer time with a half working Heating & Air Conditioning device, so although I didn’t undoubtedly want to, I decided to call a heating & a/c specialist. The heating & a/c specialist will guess what to do. When the heating & a/c professional arrived, he told me that our a/c unit was working well, which was wonderful to hear. Then he told me it was a air duct issue, which was not wonderful to hear, and apparently, a big hole had formed in the air duct; how this had happened, he wasn’t easily sure. There are many weird reasons as to why air duct could end up disfigured & need to be repaired or updated. He showed me where the hole was, & I remembered hearing a faint whistling noise as the air escaped into oblivion. It took more than a single Heating & Air Conditioning worker to completely repair the air duct disfigure, & it also was certainly extravagant, however at least our heating & cooling issues will be over with! Sure enough, after the repair I noticed a drastic difference in our cooling units efficiency, finally I can live in an air conditioned home again.