My daughter Kim married an Heating as well as A/C serviceman earlier this year as well as my wonderful friend and I suppose that he is the perfect match for her.
Whenever she was a little girl, I never genuinely thought about the kind of guy that she went into marrying. Looking back on it, I know that my wonderful friend and I all thought that she would end up with some kind of a doctor or a lawyer or something like that because she is constantly been legitimately girly as well as she has constantly genuinely liked nice things. Kim has never been someone who has dated anyone in the repair industry or someone who is not super rich. Whenever she told us that she was going to marry this guy who was a heating as well as cooling serviceman, my wonderful friend and I were all kind of shocked about it. He just wasn’t the kind of guy that my wonderful friend and I thought she would end up marrying, then don’t get me wrong, though. My associate and I were all pretty glad about it, to tell you the truth. Kim as well as her new husband are genuinely the perfect match for each other. My associate and I constantly thought that she was kind of spoiled, as well as he does not do that with her at all. He does not spoil her at all, however it’s like she just wants to just be a better person for him. It’s nice to see her growing into a better adult who does not suppose that money is everything. I love the guy that she married as well as I suppose that he is going to be a good addition to our family. I suppose that Kim made the right choice.