Three more air conditioner stories

I will write a few more stories this week plus then call it a day. I plan on playing music later with my buddy to get some of this stress out plus get back to my passion of singing plus drumming in a punk rock band. I had a slew of terrible luck smack me in the face this week despite the fact that I am going to be resilient in its face plus bounce back from it. I wouldn’t even call it terrible luck however more like a change in the path that I was heading previously. My aged task at the heating plus cooling dealer I thought would last forever however that ended, bringing me to meet my future spouse at the next task waiting around the corner. I met her doing a quality a/c service call for this local corporation plus it changed my life for the better. What would us men do without the love of a person like the one that I met? I am so grateful that the Heating plus Air Conditioning tech beauty found something she liked in me because now life has a whole modern plus fresh feel to it. I was on my own for almost a year plus a half before meeting her plus am so grateful the universe guided us to each other. I almost told the Heating plus Air Conditioning rep boss that I couldn’t do that service call that day because I was busy toiling on a commercial air continuing system that week, however thank God I did it because it was like winning the lottery.

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