Keeping cool in the summer heat

Keeping cool in the summer normally isn’t an issue for me but this summer has been different.

We’ve had heatwaves that have come through this summer like I’ve never seen before. I don’t know why it’s so hot all of a sudden but I know it’s absolutely miserable. It’s hard to have any kind of fun when you’re so hot that you can’t even go outside. I feel like the very moment that I dare step outside and into the sun I found my skin set itself on fire. If I have to be outside I’m immediately sent running for the shade. So what have been doing this summer is not going so I probably at all. It’s just too hot and I haven’t been going out unless it’s necessary. I have been taking refuge from the sun inside my house and enjoying the wonderful cool air conditioning that has been keeping the heat away. Thankfully despite the intense heat waves that we’ve had coming through my air conditioning system has been relatively unaffected by them I like to think that it’s because I’ve had it well maintained and service all these years. I tried my best to make sure that it was ready to handle the worst weather that nature was ready to throw at me and so far it’s been pretty good. I was lying on a couch directly underneath the air vent with the air conditioner on full blast. Going outside might be a hot and miserable experience with staying inside and enjoying the air is like nothing else. It’s cool come peaceful and relaxing. I’m not going anywhere until it cools down quite a bit.

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