A busted portable cooling system

There is so much fake information being circulated on the internet and especially on social media platforms.

It’s so exhausting that you no longer know what’s real or what’s fake.

For instance, my sibling sent me a story about a pet getting eaten by giant ants, and turns out the story was nothing but fake news. So, we must constantly be careful about the information that we share because it could be that we are spreading information that could be untrue. Another thing that can be fake is advertisements, as there are people who are willing to scam others for no reason at all. My mom was scammed by a corporation selling portable cooling systems and as a result ended up losing her money from the fake advertisement. She saw an ad for a portable cooling system that promised to cool any space down in less than 10 minutes. She purchased the portable cooling system thinking that it would toil for her small, enclosed patio, but sadly that was not the case. In fact, the equipment was so exhausting that after 11 minutes of use, it stopped cooling at all and would blow nothing but room temperature air in the patio. When I tried to contact the corporation for a refund, there was no customer repair phone number, just an SMS address that was given. After several SMSs with no reply, I gave up and my old mom was left with an a/c that did nothing but blow sizzling hot air. Thankfully, she didn’t pay a lot of money for the unit and she knows now not to buy anything she sees on random internet advertisements. A lesson she had to learn the tough way.


Heater for sale