The Summers here can be so boiling that nobody wants to go outside… So the main thing that I like to do on a summer time stay is to just stay inside plus stay cool plus hydrated. When I was staying hydrated apparently I like to have a lot of water on hand, plus when it comes to staying cool all that I need for that is a great quality air conditioning which for me is something that I have. I don’t know what I would do without my air conditioning, last year the hot plus cold temperatures reached the ultimate high of 101° outside! It was entirely crazy. I don’t suppose anything that was out there could survive! And yet despite all that intense heat my air conditioning managed to survive plus do just great at keeping my home cool. That was last year. After all, I’m hoping this year will not be so exhausting however I don’t know, the part that I live in is known for having some record heat waves, with some sites being much worse than others, and one of the things that I have done to prepare for the boiling summer time months that I know would be heading my way is to visit my heating plus AC business. I normally picked up my window air conditioning as a backup in case my central AC system stops working however I also made sure that I have my cooling system service long before the summer time arrives. I had my air conditioning service in the Spring plus so it should be all great to go when the heat does come around, until then I’m going to continue to love the outdoor weather.