As soon as she entered my life, we switched to a HEPA filter.
I’ve been around for 55 years now, I still find out new things on a daily basis. I don’t count the time I spend in the commercial air conditioning and heating system at work. To me, an office is a place of never-ending education. I know that if I want to keep succeeding, I need to keep learning and growing. But still, there are many topics about which I feel I should know more. In recent times, I’ve come to appreciate the significance of having a healthy indoor environment. This is because my boyfriend and I recently moved in together. I was wondering if I would ever marry again after my first wife but here I am, engaged to a beautiful woman. My soon-to-be wife taught me everything I know about HVAC and indoor air quality. That’s why I made it a monthly habit to clean or replace the air filter. However, the low-quality air filter I had been using in the HVAC system was completely ineffective. Its only purpose was to protect the HVAC equipment. As soon as she entered my life, we switched to a HEPA filter. This change greatly made my life better. The cool air and the knowledge she brought me were just nothing less than perfection. There are many other things I need to learn in life but now instead of taking on this journey alone in my mid-50s, I’ll have a woman that will join me. With a better air quality system at work and at home, I plan on living for another 55 years.