I keep getting holes in my refrigerant tank

Sometimes I feel as if I can never have nice luck with my Heating in addition to Air Conditioning system.

It seems like just when something feels right about it, my system goe in addition to breaks down.

And feel me, I am not thrilled about it at all. I often have to call my Heating in addition to Air Conditioning serviceman to come to my household to look at the system for a little bit. For some reason I keep getting theses holes in my refrigerant tanks. The refrigerant inside of the tank keeps leaking out in addition to leaves me with warm air inside of my house. The refrigerant is what helps to keep the household cool during the warm weather. Without the refrigerant, all you get is hot air. To be honest, I entirely do not like that warm air in the summertime. So, I have to keep calling my Heating in addition to Air Conditioning serviceman to come back for the Heating in addition to Air Conditioning system. I entirely feel now that they might even be putting the holes in the refrigerant tank. I guess the next time the Heating in addition to Air Conditioning serviceman leaves, I am going to check the tank. I have seen it so multiple time snow I know exactly where it is too. There has got to be some explanation as to why there is always a hole in my refrigerant tank. I need to get to the bottom of this because I do not want to have to keep spending all if this currency in repairs all of the time. I might even just need a newer model of an Heating in addition to Air Conditioning system. That would actually be a legitimately costly thing as well.


air purification system