For years, my dad plus his sibling have run a commercial roofing company here in our city… They are the largest commercial roofing company in the section plus they have absolutely made a great name for themselves. If you ask anyone around here or over in the next county, they will tell you that the best site to get the commercial roofing is my dad’s commercial roofing company; As a matter of fact, everyone do not even look at peculiar roofing companies for their projects. They just call up my dad plus his sibling plus have them do their roof replacement or roof replacement tasks for them without even checking anywhere else, then my dad plus his sibling do not absolutely bid on tasks anymore because they have so much company coming in all the time. Anyway, the other day my dad came to me plus asked me if I wanted to come plus work for him at the commercial roofing company. I have just finished my two year degree in college plus I was thinking about going back to school for two more years. I do not absolutely have a idea for my life plus I do not absolutely suppose what I want to do for a living yet. I was thinking about maybe becoming an accountant or something appreciate that, however my dad absolutely wants me to come plus take over the commercial roofing company so that he can retire in about various years or so. I just don’t suppose if commercial roofing is the right kind of job for me or not.