I thought my parents did not like me when they insisted that I should not get a cat when I was younger, and every birthday I wished for a cat or a dog because I was willing to take care of it but they wouldn’t hear of it.
The moment I got my own apartment, I could wait to get myself a cat friend, and that is when Jake came into my life.
The first few months were perfect. He showered me with lots of affection and always knew how to soothe me whenever I felt down, then Jake was the perfect companion and acquaintance and I finally knew how much I had missed all those years. However, after the second month, things began to go terribly wrong. The air quality in my house seemed to get worse and I would sneeze continuously. This happened despite all my efforts to keep the place clean. After several trips to the hospital with zero improvements, doctor Judy asked me if I had gotten a pet. I confirmed this and he asked me to call my heating and cooling supplier instantly. She suspected that the cat could have affected the cooling and heating unit’s air purification efficiency. I dialed the heating and cooling tech’s number he shared with me and he was at my doorstep the next morning. He went straight to the heating and cooling unit and began to scrutinize the heating and cooling equipment. Most of the things were alright despite not having had a heating and cooling tune-up session in a while. The only issue was that there was a problem with the air circulation in the house. Jake’s fur had clogged the filter that barely no air passed through. The air being blown into my place was therefore loaded with dust, and allergens hence the unending allergic reactions. The heating and cooling professional told me to update my filters and get a whole home air purifier if I still wanted to keep my pet. He also showed me how to change the filters regularly, and regularly vacuuming the rugs and rugs in my house.