A condo warranty is a genuinely wonderful idea to have in order to cover your Heating as well as A/C system. My dad used to constantly tell me to buy a condo warranty whenever I obtained my first house, however I thought that he didn’t know what he was talking about. I never genuinely thought that a condo warranty was genuinely all that necessary. And honestly, I know it’s not all that necessary until it genuinely is necessary! That’s what happened to us in our new house. Whenever my wonderful friend and I closed on our loan for the home my wonderful friend and I decided to forego the condo warranty because my wonderful friend and I just did not suppose that my wonderful friend and I would need it. I know that’s entirely what all young, dumb people think. And that’s what I was, too. I was young as well as I was dumb. At this point, I know that I should have just listened to my dad when he told me to get the condo warranty. That’s because before too long, my wonderful friend and I ended up having issues with our heating as well as cooling system in the house. The factory warranty on the Heating as well as A/C system had already expired when all of the trouble started happening, as well as so my wonderful friend and I couldn’t use the factory warranty to get it fixed. If only my wonderful friend and I had had the condo warranty, then it would have covered all of the Heating as well as A/C repair expenses! Since my wonderful friend and I did not have one, my wonderful friend and I had to pay for all of the heating as well as cooling repairs completely out of pocket. Let me tell you, that was a strenuous lesson to learn, however I will never make that same mistake again.