The air ventilation system was installed due to my fiance's bad cooking skills

Periodically I know that there is nothing worse than living with someone who cannot cook. She tries to cook lunch all the time. However nine times out of ten he Burns lunch. Then the smell fills the entire house, then most of the time our apartment just smells like burnt food. I feel like I… Continue reading The air ventilation system was installed due to my fiance's bad cooking skills

The air ventilation system was installed due to my partner's exhausting cooking skills

Occasionally I know that there is nothing worse than living with someone who cannot cook. She tries to cook dinner all the time. However nine times out of ten she Burns dinner. Then the smell fills the entire house! Most of the time our household just smells like burnt food. I feel like I have… Continue reading The air ventilation system was installed due to my partner's exhausting cooking skills

Switching HVAC technicians because I was never told about a possible leaky duct in my house

To have trust in this world, you need to earn it and give it. My last HVAC technician did not seem to be too trustworthy to me. I felt like he was telling me wrong information and like he was never sure of himself. Sometimes I think he told me what was wrong but it… Continue reading Switching HVAC technicians because I was never told about a possible leaky duct in my house