I’ve had the same furnace for 4 years now and unfortunately I’m not going to have much longer despite not being very old. I’ve been having a lot of issues with it from the very start. So instead of continuing to pay repair fees to have it taken care of I think I’m just going to get a new one. The one I have is a gas for so I have decided that I’m ready to move on to an electric furnace. An electric furnace is supposed to be my modern and better one anyways. I’ve been going to different heating and AC businesses All around Town looking at the HVAC products to get a feel for what heating system it is that I decided to go with. Even though I have an electric furnace in mind that may not ultimately be what I go with. It really just depends on what kind of products the heating and AC business has available. If I find another type of heater that’s available that I think will do better than I may go with that. The last trip I made to the HVAC business definitely called me attention. There were a couple of alternatives that I was really considering. The first was a hot water boiler and the second was a geothermal heat pump. I’m not ready to buy anything yet because I know that I’m going to need to do more research. It’s a big decision to decide on. Because the AC systems cost a lot of money I know that I want to make the right decisions and I choose the right one. I want something that’s going to last me a long time and be good quality unlike my current heating system.