Most people really don’t like change and try to keep things just as they are.
- But change is inevitable and fighting it only makes things worse.
I just had a ton of things change on me basically overnight and now I am trying to digest it and figure out my next move. I’ve been on cruise control for the past year or so with things going rather smoothly, but now it has all been shaken up a bit and I have to make sense of it all. I am good with coming up with solutions though, as my HVAC expert friend taught me while we were going to the a/c repair school back in the day. I will take like two or three days and not make any decisions at all so that the dust can clear a bit. Today is Thursday and this local business near me is hiring HVAC techs, so I may go down there later and see if they have something for me. I know this happens for a reason and accepting it is probably the best thing I can do at this point. I will trim down my cooling costs this summer by getting some energy saving tips from the pros at the HVAC company. My biggest expense is rent, but at $700 a month it really isn’t that big of a deal. I just want some ways to save on cooling costs for the summer, and cleaning my a/c system will probably be a good start. I hope your life is going smoothly at least!