Happy about my whole home air purifying system

It is really windy today outside and we are planning on playing music later in the street, so we are going to have to make sure our sound equipment doesn’t get blown over in the wind.

We are going to record some new songs today and hopefully we will come up with some good ones that we can put online.

We have about 36 songs online now but I think I have about 12 of them on private because they just don’t sound that good to me anymore. They sounded great at the time they came out, but cooling down over time because the new songs are heating up with lots of plays. I guess music is about evolving and finding your voice, so I am sure we will keep peeling layers off of this onion over the years. Our band has three HVAC techs playing in it and sometimes we sing about space heaters and fireplaces to make things fun for a change. A lot of our songs are fun and we like to make new ones each time we play together. Anyway, I am feeling better thanks to my whole home air purifier, which has really made a difference in the indoor air quality in this flat. I think my cold has gone away faster because of how clean the air is in my place. I have a washable HEPA filter in the unit and I think it filters out all the germs that would normally be floating around in the air and lowering the indoor air quality.
